This Is Why We Need to Hear More Failure Stories

For the longest time, I thought that the strongest ones out there were those who never got knocked down or broken down by life. I believed that the most successful ones are the ones who don’t have failure stories. I thought they were the smartest, the straight As students, and the most disciplined ones ever since childhood. I believed they were those who always knew exactly what they wanted. I presumed they were the people that everyone points at them and calls them genius all their lives, but I

This Is Why You Feel Bored When You’re Alone

You feel bored when you’re alone because you haven’t given yourself much time to be your own self. You depend on others for entertainment rather than finding it within you. Some people tend to really enjoy their own company while others can’t stand the idea of being alone for some time during the day, because they get incredibly bored.

Let me tell you the difference between the two.

The thing is people who enjoy their own company have such a vivid mind and wide imagination. They might seem pre

This Is What I Hope You Know About Figuring Out Your Calling

If there’s a voice inside of you that’s telling you to go study everything that has to do with pandas, follow this voice. If you’re so damn interested in pandas and no one around you understands why you’re obsessed with them, it doesn’t matter, just follow this voice and go after your interest in them anyway. Learn everything you’re eager to know about them, because this interest was planted in you and only you and few others for a very good reason.

There’s a reason why there’s a voice telling

5 Things I Never Regretted Spending A Lot Of Money On

Therapy can be life-changing. At first, I thought it was so expensive, but then when I started getting so much better and feeling like I was improving so much mentally and emotionally, it made all the sense in the world to invest in therapy. I believe that doing this for yourself is actually one of the best self-care practices out there.

Never in my life have I regretted paying so much for traveling, even if it left me kind of broke afterward. The experience that I get and the memories that I m

5 Things I Never Regretted Spending A Lot Of Money On

Therapy can be life-changing. At first, I thought it was so expensive, but then when I started getting so much better and feeling like I was improving so much mentally and emotionally, it made all the sense in the world to invest in therapy. I believe that doing this for yourself is actually one of the best self-care practices out there.

Never in my life have I regretted paying so much for traveling, even if it left me kind of broke afterward. The experience that I get and the memories that I m

7 Things You Need To Know About Creatives

1. Creatives live more in their heads than in the real world

Their minds are beautiful. It’s full of various colorful ideas and thoughts—that’s why you find them a bit detached from reality, because they like to stay in their heads for a long period of time. And that’s how they come out with creative, out-of-this-world ideas.

2. They like to spend a lot of time alone

They like to give themselves this alone time in order to be able to think and create freely without the distractions of other p

This One’s For All The Beautiful Messes

You’re a beautiful mess wandering in this world with no specific destination. You’ve been lost for so long and have no idea what to do or where to go. You don’t know yourself quite well enough yet. You’re still discovering who you are in this big world. You’re still discovering what you truly love and what you’re truly passionate about. You’re still finding out your way or even paving one for yourself.

You’re trying to understand life, but it’s so damn confusing for you right now. People have b

There’s Always More Out There For You To Discover

Expose yourself to the world and see what’s out there to be discovered. Be immersed in it and its infinite options.

Get to know people from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds. Listen to their stories and know more about the way they live their lives. Let this expand your horizons.

Listen to others’ problems. Maybe when you do so, you will realize how your biggest problems aren’t that big, actually.

Discover what’s out there and all that life has to offer. Maybe then you will reali